Images of Tuscany 2018 – Post #1

I have just returned from an amazing trip to the Tuscany region of Italy.

I travelled there briefly last year but to be honest was not impressed that time, the trip was rushed, I tried to fit in so much into such a short period of time, and ended up spending most of my time glimpsing at hints of beautiful scenery from a motorway. This time I got it right, spent lots of time leisurely driving through quaint country lanes, with plenty of time and opportunities to pull over and take in the amazing countryside.

By September the crops have all been harvested, the sunflowers have all died back, and only the grapes remain ripening on their vines. But the warm climate and the low sun give lots of opportunities for glowing, warm landscapes, and this is the first of 30 images I am going to share, though I managed to shoot considerably more than this.

(Click on the image below for a larger version)

More info on the trip and the camera equipment I used will follow with subsequent posts.